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Sony Telephoto Lens Review

If you're a serious sports or wildlife photographer then you need to own at least one telephoto lens in your kit bag. These lenses make it easier to get close to your subject without having to get too far away from the action and can help you achieve a clear image...

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What to Look For in Camera Lenses

There are a lot of different types of camera lenses. They vary in price, lens quality, and focal lengths, so it's worth understanding what to look for before purchasing a new one. Focal length: The distance between the nodal point of the optics and the image sensor in...

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Canon Telephoto Lenses

A telephoto lens is one of the most important lenses you can own if you’re interested in photographing distant subjects. Whether it’s for wildlife, sporting events or even candid shots of people, a telephoto lens will get you closer to the action and help you capture...

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